Thursday, October 15, 2009


Last Friday night I went to a jewelry party in my neighborhood and my sweet husband was kind enough to take care of the girls so I could go. So after he put Ana Blair to bed, my husband had the BRILLIANT idea to let Olivia watch the movie Halloween.
Yes, the real one. The whole thing. Michael Meyers. Scariest movie ever made.
Olivia loves scary things, but I knew this would be too much for her. So he waited until I left and let her watch it. The next day we were on our way to my sister's house for dinner and I turned around in the car and saw this...
Look familiar?

1 comment:

chelle said...

That is so funny, hey I saw your sweet big girl Oliva on another post and I just loved her boots would you mind sharing where you purchased them I want to get some for my granddaughters for Christmas. You can email me at