Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A New Year!

Since it is a new year, I thought I would start something new and become a blogger! I have to be honest, I'm not sure how good at this I will be, but I'm going to try!

The first few weeks of this new year have been kind of emotional for Mommy. It all began with a trip to Olivia's new preschool. She's not starting until the fall, but I can't help but be reminded how quickly she is growing up! Later that same week came the first official haircut. I had trimmed her bangs before when she was going through her "skater chick" days, but never a full blown cut. I thought she would freak out, but I was the only one tearing up. She had the absolute time of her life. Once it was over, her hair looked healthier and prettier, but I was afraid I had lost my little girl forever!

After the haircut episode, my little baby participated in her first ballet recital. It was absolutely hilarious! But of course, she loved every minute of it. They went through the dance three times and I think during each of the three separate times, she might have gotten each of the dance moves done at least one time! But of course we (all 10 of us there representing her) thought she was a doll!

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