I have been patiently waiting for Ana Blair to get big enough for my two girls to have matching pajamas! I think there is nothing sweeter than two fresh from the bath girls (or boys) in matching pjs. After a trip to the doctor yesterday, it is nice to see that they are healthy and happy. Olivia has an ear infection. She also had some stomach issues and Ana Blair's reflux was getting worse by the minute, so I was afraid they both had stomach viruses. Thankfully, the ear infection was our only ailment! AB's reflux was just getting out of hand because she is such a tank (15.1lbs. to be exact!!). So, we are switching her from Zantac to Prilosec and hopefully she will keep everything down. So far, so good! Seriously, can you tell by this picture that Ana Blair is almost half the size of Olivia already??
3rd Street Cafe
4 years ago